• Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra was inaugurated on 26 February 2012 at Rabindra Sadan, Berhampur.
  • It is a government Registered Organization.
  • It is an open and liberal platform for any history, culture, and heritage lover.
  • Mainly doing various works related to history, heritage, and regional history, such as researching on history and regional history, publishing original research-based books on the subject.
  • Our organization popularizes History and Heritage through Heritage Tourism among the common people. We promote history awareness among the general people through these heritage tours.
  • We organize Heritage tours in an attractive and innovative way to popularize Heritage Tourism. Real and researched history is presented through our heritage tours.
  • We are taking initiative of heritage walk programs for the purpose of History and Heritage awareness.
  • We also organize seminars on various historical topics.
  • We make and exhibit documentary films on history and heritage, to make history more accessible to the general people and present these films in an attractive manner.
  • Various great and famous personalities who are often forgotten are remembered and their deeds are revisited in various ways by the initiative of the organization. Celebrating their official birthday or death anniversary, organizing their commemoration, establishing their busts, publishing research papers related to them in books, taking initiatives to preserve their memory, etc. are done by our organization.
  • Various formal honors and awards are given by our organization to any person, institution, or organization for any kind of contribution in the field of history and heritage. Most of the honors and awards are exceptional in Bengal.
  • Our organization is organized workshops with renowned archaeological engineers and archaeological scientists of India to restore and preserve heritage architecture or monuments by the proper scientific method.
  • We are trying to make history popular among the general people and the new generation. History is presented in an attractive way through modern technology.
  • We try to organize and explore history enthusiasts from various corners. This history family unites native and expatriate history lovers from all over the world. This organization acts as a family for many history lovers who love the heritage and their roots.
  • Only history festival in Bengal 'Murshidabad Itihas Utsav' has been organized continuously from the year of 2017 on the ground of Murshidabad district by this organization.
  • Since 2017, our organization has been organizing Historical Coin Exhibition every year continuously, at Murshidabad History Festival, Berhampore which is organized by our organization. This is the only continuous historical coin exhibition of Mofaswal Bengal. Renowned numismatic experts of India participate here. Historical coins from ancient to modern times are displayed here.
  • General and Young talented history writers and researchers are helped by our organization for their research on history and heritage.
  • Our organization supervises "Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay Museum" which is under the control of District Administration. This Historical Museum is Located at Panchanantala of Berhampore Town.
  • Also, our organization undertakes various initiatives jointly with administrations and various schools and colleges related to history and heritage.
  • Our organization assists administrations and concerned authorities in renovating and conserving various historical architectures and historic sites in accordance with appropriate scientific heritage methods. Along with this, our organization continuously applies to the relevant authorities to properly restore and preserve the neglected heritage.
  • Our organization cooperates with the administration in any kind matter related to history, heritage, and heritage tourism.
  • Thus, judging by the various activities, performance, achievements, and various goals of our organization, we can say very politely that if we look at all aspects from just one district, our organization is a unique and exceptional organization in the whole country.


Worldwide Membership

To provide worldwide membership and honorary membership to those who are interested in joining this organisation of history enthusiasts and to make a worldwide history family through the initiative of our organisation.

Carry Forward the Activities

In the initiative of our organization, all the previous successful activities with great potential are carried forward in the future by maintaining the equal quality consistently.

Heritage Programmes for Students and Youths

Taking more programmes with schools and colleges to make students and youths more interested in history and encourage them to work on history, heritage and Heritage based Tourism.

History and Heritage Workshop

Through various programmes and History-Heritage workshops we try to make the students, youths and interested general people aware about how history and heritage can be renovated and preserved in a proper scientific manner.

Promote Heritage Tourism

"Murshidabad Heritage and Academic Tour" has been launched by our organisation. We will rganise more Heritage and Historical academic tours by suitably trained guides and Academic experts by this initiative. This heritage tour will be served in a completely new way and unique concept. Initiatives will be taken to popularize history among the general people through heritage tours. No history with full of errors and fairy tales, but real research-based history will be highlighted in this trip with proper historical sources. Along with known and common historical sites and places, undiscovered heritage will be highlighted through this heritage tour too. We are going to promote the Heritage tourism of Murshidabad district and Bengal to the whole world.

Enrichment of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay Museum

We are ready to further develop the "Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay Museum" located at Berhampore Town which is supervised by our organisation and controlled by the district administration. The museum is and will be enriched by collecting various important historical materials and arranging those for display in the museum. Our goal is to arrange and popularize the only museum in Bengal named after Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay. We are willing to improve the infrastructure of this museum using advanced technology and taking proper initiatives to enrich and popularize Bengal's only 'History Library' located inside the Museum. We are ready to take proper initiatives to develop and promote this museum to the whole world.

Itihas Bhavan : A Home For All History-Lovers

To build a Itihas Bhavan of the organisation as a center for the History study, research and museum of history and regional history of Bengal and India too, where anyone smell their past and fulfill their quest for knowledge.

Publish more research-based history books

We will take initiatives to publish more books on unpublished and unknown history and regional history. We are ready to take the initiative to give more opportunities to the new generation of history researchers to publish more of their writings in those books. We are also ready to take the initiative to deliver these published books to interested readers all over the world.

Enrich the Archives

Preserving History and Heritage by archiving through photography, paper documents and rare Historical books. To make history more popular and accessible to the general people through attractive presentations Taking the initiative to produce and serve some short historical documentarie films.


The first bust of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay to be installed in Murshidabad district in the initiative of our organisation

Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay is a world-renowned archaeologist, a native of Murshidabad district and Berhampur Town. But there was not even a single bust of him in his district as well as in his Town at Berhampore. Since 2016, our organisation has been applying to the district administration verbally and in writing. Finally, administration responded to our appeal and on 01/10/2020, a bust of him was installed at Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay Museum Campus at Berhampur Town by a joint initiative of the district administration and our organisation. Judging by the sculpture of the statue, this is one of the best bust in Bengal of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay.

The broken wall of Karnasuvarna archaeological site is repaired in the initiative of our organisation

The enclosure wall of the Rajbaridanga archaeological site at Karnasubarna, which is acquired by ASI, was broken for three to four years. Then on behalf of our organisation we gave applications to Raiganj Circle of ASI on 25/02/2022, to Head of East India Division of ASI on 28/02/2022 and on to Director General of ASI in Delhi on 01/03/2022 for repairing of that wall. A Written reply was given us from Eastern region head office of ASI on 04/03/2222. There, the Raiganj Circle was instructed by Eastern Region of ASI to very quickly conduct a field survey of our application and asked Raiganj Circle to give a full report on this regard. After that, the organisation took various initiatives to repair the wall. Finally responding to our request from 1st week of March,2023 ASI started to repair the broken wall of Karnasubarna archaeological site after a long time. The repair was completed at the middle of the April month,2023. This is how the initiative of the organization

In Response to our Organisation's Appeal, the Administration Installed a Heritage Notice Board at the Historic Saidabad Rajbari

The administration has responded to the long-standing appeal of Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra and installed a heritage notice board installed of historic Saidabad Rajbari on 11-th September 2023. The Saidabad Rajbari is located at the northern end of the present Berhampore Town. On that day, the district administration and members of Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra were present and this heritage notice board is installed with mutual cooperation. Although the property of the library, only parts of the front two floors (ground and 1st floor) of this building survive in any way. The rest of the building is wooded. The plaster has fallen off. The roof collapsed. Now most of the houses are abandoned and dangerous. There is a snake den. Small shops occupied some broken parts on the ground floor. However, on May 28, 2007, the State Heritage Commission officially declared this building as a heritage, but since then there is not even

In response to the organsation's request, a heritage notice board is set up by the district administration in front of Nimita Zamindar Bhavan

In response to the request of the Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra, a Heritage Notice Board has been installed by the district administration in front of Nimita Zamindar Bhavan on 7th June 2023. Our organisation has been taken various initiatives for many years to restore and preserve the building structure of Nimita Zamindar Bhavan in accordance with the heritage norms for tourism purposes. Also, for the past decade or more, our organisation has been conduced various discussions and exchange of views with the current members of that Zamindar Bhavan to implement this issue. Apart from direct discussion with them, continuous exchange of views and efforts on phone and whatsapp continued to follow. A written application was given to the district administration on behalf of our organisation to put up a heritage notice board in front of the historical building which was recognised as heritage by the State Heritage Commission on 22/06/22 along with renovation

Our unique published History research books : All volumes of the "Murshidabad Anusandhan" books are specially renaissance in the heart of Bengal*

A total of 13 research history books and anthologies have been published by Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra so far. The main subject of the book is regional history of Murshidabad district and Bengal. Most of it is virtually unpublished history. Where many rare and valuable historical pictures have been attached with. Out of which the seven-volume collection of essays named "Murshidabad Anusandhan" has gained fame in the country and abroad.

Vandemataram o Anandamath-er Utsobhumi Lalgola : An International Issue

An international significant history may be discovered by us about our national song "Vandemataram". Through long field survey and research undertaken by our organisation, with adequate historical evidence and documents a research book "Vandemataram o Anandamath-er Utsobhumi Lalgola" has been published on 28 th December in 2022. It has been almost proved by the research and documents that Lalgola of Murshidabad district is the place of composition of the famous Vandemataram music written by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay which is now a national song of our country. Along with this, Bankimchandra wrote the beginning part of the novel "Anandamath" sitting on the soil of Lalgola in Murshidabad district. Further information has been published in the book with evidence that the context and background of the novel "Anandamath" is Lalgola. This book has been already gained national importance. The English version of the book is on process to fill the urge of a greater audience.

The largest Nimitita Zamindar Bhaban campaign so far

Nimtita Zamindar Bhaban Abhijan was held on 6th November 2022 under the initiative of Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra . This campaign aims to restore and preserve this historic building in scientific method with the heritage and use it for development of tourism purposes. Along with this, encouraging the public and local people and attracting the attention of the administration is one of the objectives of this campaign. A meeting was held in front of Nimtita Zamindar Bhaban on the initiative of the organisation. A total of around 150 people were present including local people and people from all over Murshidabad district and outside the district. This is the biggest meeting on this matter so far that held in front of this historic palace. Around 60 enthusiastic people arrived in two buses from District Town Berhampur to attend the programme.

The land of Karnasubarna archaeological site was saved by the initiative of our organisation

On June 20, our organisation came to know that the road repair work is being done near the enclosure wall of the Rajbaridanga archaeological site at Karnasubarna from the PWD office. This site is acquired by ASI for long period. At once on behalf of our organisation, we went there for spot survey and we saw that the PWD department's contractor did not leave any minimum space next to the wall of archaeological site. They were even constructing roads through some inside parts of the archaeological site. On behalf of our organisation immediately we informed and appealed to the district administration and ASI Raiganj Circle to look into the matter and construct the road leaving minimum three feet space from the wall as per the rules. After coming to know about this matter from us, immediately the district administration and ASI office took action and took measures to construct the road leaving the area adjacent to the wall of the archaeological site. This is how the nationally i

Throughout the year Celebrating Centenary of Discovery of Indus Valley Civilisation by our organisation in Bengal : An Exceptional Initiative

Our organisation is the only one in the whole of Bengal to celebrate the centenary of the discovery of Mohenjo-daro throughout the year. By our organisation the Centenary of Discovery of Mohenjadaro a.k.a Indus Valley Civilisation has been celebrated in 2021. Various events are held on this occasion. On behalf of our organisation in order to increase the awareness of history, hundreds of schools, colleges and hundreds of government offices of the district have officially handed over pictures of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay, one of the discoverer of Indus Valley Civilisation. In the Bengal this initiative is practically unique and exceptional in raising awareness of history.

Installation of Bust of Cellular Jail-Returned Freedom Fighter by our organisation

Prydyot Kumar Roychowdhury is a Freedom fighter. Till now his bust is the only bust of any freedom fighter of Murshidabad district who was a prisoner of Andaman cellular jail. In the 75-th year of our country's independence in 2021, with the full initiative and financial support of our organisation, a bust of freedom fighter Pradyot Kumar Roychowdhury, soil-son of remote Malihati village at Salar PS area, was installed. The then Superintendent of Police of Murshidabad Police District K. Shabari Rajkumar unveiled the statue about 60 km away from Berhampur Sadar town.This is till now the only bust of any freedom fighter of Murshidabad district who was a prisoner of Andaman cellular jail.

Workshop on Restoration and Preservation of Heritage Architecture

A high quality heritage conservation workshops have been organised very rarely in Bengal. 1st time in Murshidabad district this kind of Innovative workshop has been organised by our organisation with eminent India famous archaeological engineers and archeological scientists on renovation and conservation of traditional architecture in a scientific manner. They are all retired Archaeological Engineer and scientist of Archaeological Survey of India. This is the first time in Murshidabad district that an ASI engineer and scientist trained in a workshop. Many researchers, scholars and enthusiasts attended the workshop and gained practical as well as theoritical knowledge from expertise. After this workshop there has been a positive impact in this regard all over Bengal.

On the same day, the bust of four famous persons of Murshidabad district were installed

Busts of four eninent personalities of Murshidabad district who made the district proud by their diverse deeds and held the name of the district as well as Bengal high were installed on the same day. These four eminent characters from Murshidabad district were eminent archaeologist, discoverer of Mohenjdaro and soil son of this district Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay of Berhampur, philanthropist Maharaja Jogindranarayan Roy of Lalgola, eminent educationist, writer and patron of science Ramendrasundar Trivedi of Kandi and eminent radio comedian and journalist Sarat Chandra Pandit (Dadathakur) of Jangipur. Busts of four eminent people are established on the same day in the joint initiative of Murshidabad District Administration (ZP) and our organisation. From proposing the installation of bust of these four eminent personalities to the administration, to selecting the location for the installation of the bust, from the beginning of construction of the bust to the time of installation

Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay Museum : The Only Museum in Bengal named after the World-Famous Archaeologist

World famous Archaeologist and discoverer of Mohenjadaro a.k.a Indus Valley Civilisation great Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay is a soil son of Murshidabad district and particularly Berhampore Town. He was completely neglected near about 100 years after his death at his birth place and Bengal too. At last due to initiative of our organisation we achieved our dream. Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay Museum was inaugurated on 01/10/2020 at Behrampur Town. In 2016, we celebrated the birthday of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay, for the first time in Bengal, at his birth place Berhampur. Since then we have been appealing to the administration to establish a bust and a museum in his name in Berhampur city. After that, many applications and letters were given by the organisation for several years. A letter was given to the district administration by the organisation on 22/07/2019 . In response to our request, the administration replied to our letter by assuring us to fulfill our demands on 03/09/2019 . Then the a

History-based Cultural Programmes : A Unique and Exceptional Initiative

Many cultural events are organised all over the Bengal. But the entire cultural programme aims at increasing historical awareness is not done anywhere. This initiative by our organisation is to increase the awareness of history by performing cultural programmes. Every year at the initiative of our organisation, on the stage of Murshidabad History Festival, with a view to increase the historical awareness, 30 schools and colleges of Murshidabad district have been performed cultural performances on the theme of history. With the participation of so many schools and colleges, this initiative of cultural presentation of different type of unique history theme is practically a unique initiative in Bengal.

130 Departed Famous Personalities of Murshidabad district are shown in Historical Documentary Film

An exceptional documentary film has been shown in 'Murshidabad History Festival' in its consecutive years with an urge to preserve our history and heritage as much as possible and try to restore some of decading antiquities. In that documentary near about 130 departed prides of our districts have been mentioned with their photograph and respective birth and death year chronologically. Only famous people those who were born between 1820 and 1947 are displayed in this documentary film. We are the only organisation in Bengal who display the pictures of such a large number of eminent personalities of only one district.

Only History Book Fair in Bengal

From the year 2020 for the promotion of history awareness in people in general 'History Book Fair' has been organised at Murshidabad History Festival premises. Only history-related books from various publication houses of Murshidabad as well as Bengal join the fair with their valuable collection. Bangiya Sahitya Parishat has also participated in this unique book fair. There are many book fair in the Bengal but History Book Fair is really an exceptional approach in Bengal.

Itihas Bandhu Samman : A Unique and Exceptional Honor in Bengal

From 2020 onwards, 'Itihas Bandhu Samman' is being conferred by the organisation on the stage of Murshidabad History Festival. This honor is given for special contribution to any worthwhile work related to history including researching history, preservation of history, special help in preservation and research of history. As a result of giving this particular honor by our organisation, those people will feel more encouraged in this work. Seeing this initiative, many more people in the society will be encouraged in this work. 'Itihas Bandhu Samman' is practically an exceptional initiative in Bengal.

Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Vidyayatan Samman : A Unique and Exceptional Honor in Bengal

Institutions such as schools and colleges of Murshidabad district, which have made a special contribution to the development of history and heritage consciousness outside the institutional curriculum and syllabus, those institutions are being honoured by our organisation with 'Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Vidyayatan Samman' from 2018. As a result of giving this particular honor by our organisation, those school and colleges will feel more encouraged in this initiative. Seeing this honor, many more schools and colleges in the district become very inspired particularly in this approach. This is a unique initiative and honor in the whole Bengal.

Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Sharad Samman: An Exceptional and Unique Honor

As a unique initiative in Bengal to inspire interest in history among the general people, the best history based theme of Sharadiya Puja in Murshidabad district has been selected since 2017 by our organisation. The selected theme is presented 'Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Sharad Samman' by the organisation from the stage of Murshidabad History Festival. There is no other honor particularly in this concept in Bengal.

Protecting the Heritage Charbangla Temple from the confirm erosion of the Ganga river by the initiative of the organisation

The historical Charbangla Temple was saved by the initiative of our organisation from the erosion of the Ganga river. The historical Charbangla Temple acquired by the Archaeological Survey of India. It is located on the banks of the Ganges at Ajimganj Baranagar was saved from submersion by the Ganges in 2017 on the basis of a written application to the district administration on 14th July 2017. Another written application was also sent to the A.S.I to look into this matter on 16th July 2017. A responding letter from both the authorities came to us on 19th July 2017 from District administration and on 2nd August 2017 from ASI. It is our pleasure and pride that the preservation process has been started there after the continue initiative of our organisation. Thus Historical Charbangla Temple was saved.

The Only Historical Coin Exhibition of Mofaswal Bengal in a continuous manner

A Historical Coin Exhibition is being organised by our organisation from the year of 2017 continuously at Murshidabad History Festival. Eight India-famous historical coin expertise from the Numismatic Society of Calcutta participate in this exhibition every year. Historical coins from ancient to British period are displayed here. In terms of continuity, only Murshidabad History Festival organises such historical coin exhibition in Bengal.

Official birthday celebrations of 11 Eminent personalities of the district in the same year

In the year 2017, our organisation celebrated the official birth anniversary of a total of 11 forgotten departed respected figures of Murshidabad district within a year. 10 of which were officially celebrated for the first time in our district. In terms of celebrating the birthdays of so many famous people, particularly of a single district in one year, is surely a unique and exceptional initiative in Bengal.

Murshidabad History Festival: Only History Festival in Bengal

'Murshidabad History Festival' is a unique and exceptional initiative to increase the History and Heritage Awareness among the common people. Any enthusiast can participate here directly or indirectly. Every year Murshidabbad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra organises a unique festival — Murshidabad History Festival — which is only history festival in Bengal. It was launched at Berhampur Town in 2017. Since then it has achieved new heights in each year. The festival takes place for three days generally. Every event of this Festival is totally different and unique from creative point of view. The biggest historical Coin Exhibition, A unique Art Competition based on the topic of History and Heritage, an Enriched Historical Documentary Show, giving awards like Itihas Bandhu Samman, Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Sharad Samman, Murshidabad Itihas o Sanskriti Vidyayatan Samman, engaging present day students with Cultural Programmes of various schools and colleges based

Walk on the Path for History : An exceptional initiative in Bengal

On the occasion of "Murshidabad History Festival", every year before the History festival, our organisation initiates a Historical March to increase the history awareness among the common people, from 2017. The Slogan is "Walk on the path for history". Many youths, researchers and history enthusiasts walk together through Berhampur town.

Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay's First Birthday Celebration in Bengal at the Initiative of our organisation

Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay, one of the discoverers of the Indus Valley Civilisation, is a child of soil of Berhampore Town and Murshidabad district. On 12th April 2016 (Tuesday) Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra celebrated his first official birthday in Bengal. The 132-nd birthday ceremony was held on the second floor of the Collector's Club Hall. World famous Archeologist and inventor of Mohenjadaro civilisation was totally neglected in his birth place Murshidabad district and particularly in Berhampur Town near about 100 years after his death. On behalf of the organisation, basically three demands were officially presented from the programme of this day : 1) A bust of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay should be erected at Berhampur, his birthplace. 2) An important road or flyover at Berhampur Town should be named after him. 3) There should be a museum or gallery at Berhampur Town in the name of Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay at Berhampur Town. In this way, the of

Celebration of 250 years of Berhampur Town

We are the only organisation in the world who have celebrated the 250-th anniversary of Berhampore Town through various initiatives throughout the year. In 2015 a year-long celebration of completing 250 years of Berhampur Town started. Two programmes, one at the beginning on 19th July 2015 and one at the end of that year-long celebration on 10 th January, 2016, had been organised. At the inauguration programme of annual anniversary celebration at Rabindra Sadan under the initiative of our organisation, a documentary film showed the photos of 70 famous people of Berhampore town along with their birth and death years. It is to be mentioned that these personalitues were born in the British period. It was the first historical documentary to be screened at Rabindra Sadan Auditorium, Berhampore. A valuable research book on this matter named 'Sahar Berhampurer 250 Bochor : Utso Sandhan' had also been published in this regard. This book is the world's first collection of research e

World's largest book on Shahbagh Movement by our organisation

On March 23,2014, our organisation published "Shahbag Andolon O Murshidabad", a book on Shahbag Movement of Bangladesh and its coherent relation with our district. It is the largest book published till date on Shahbag Movement. The book has 325 pages in total. A total of 126 writers, painters around the world, including India and Bangladesh, penned down articles, poems, stories on this issue.

Our organization's official debut : A renaissance, The beginning of a new golden age

Murshidabad Zilla Itihas o Sanskriti Charcha Kendra was official established on 26-th February 2012 at Rabindra Sadan, Berhampur. It was a historical event. Professor Kedareshwar Chakraborty inaugurated the organization by lighting the lamp. On that day, the first volume of "Murshidabad Anusandhan", research book of history was published by our organisation. The book was inaugurated by the popular history writer of Bengal Professor Jiban Mukhopadhyay. The book contains pictures of about 48 departed eminent personalities of Murshidabad district with special mention of their birth and death years. This is the first time in a book of Bengal that the pictures of so many famous people only from a district had been published together in one book by digital technology. Among all the authors of essays of the "Murshidabad Anusandhan" book, 21 were present on the day and they were felicitated by the organisation on the stage o Berhampur Rabindra Sadan. This was the first time